Every aspiring overseas Filipino worker (OFW) should be aware with how to acquire an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC). Without it, it would be impossible to get past airport immigration in the Philippines.
All OFWs are required to acquire an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) upon departing for or returning to their employment, according to the laws and regulations of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Office (formerly known as the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration – POEA).
OEC is required to guarantee the safety of all Filipino migrant workers overseas. The OEC will certify that the employment contracts of OFWs are in compliance with the current employment laws, norms, and practices in both the Philippines and the host nation. Along with that, it’s important to make sure the POEA’s documentation requirements for employment overseas are met.
In this post, you’ll learn about OEC, Balik Manggagawa, and how to process OEC.

What is an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC)?
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), especially domestic workers, need the Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) as an exit clearance document in order to leave the Philippines and work overseas. They can be exempted from paying the terminal fee and travel tax at the airport due to this certificate, which also acts as a record of departing OFWs and confirms them as legitimate overseas workers. It also makes it less expensive for them to seek employment.
The OEC is only good for one day if it is acquired from the Labor Assistance Counter (LAC) at the NAIA, Cebu-Mactan, or Davao International Airports. It is also only good for 60 days after it is given.
Who are Balik Manggagawa Workers?
Balik-Manggawa (BM) refers to workers who are undocumented, returning workers who have not previously registered with the POEA, or workers who have no prior record of deployment with the POEA or the POLO, such as former tourists, au pairs, students, exchange program participants, etc.
OFWs must submit an OEC application. Therefore, the following individuals are qualified to process the OEC.
- Directly employed Filipino workers by an international employer
- Individuals who are employed by a recruitment agency
- OFWs employed by POEA’s Government Placement Branch (GPB)
Each document should be submitted in two (2) copies: an original and a duplicate or photocopy.
Basic Document Requirements
- Printed Online Appointment (POPS-BAM)
- Printed Balik-Manggagawa Information Sheet
- Sworn Statement
(For OFWs who have never had a POEA record or who are applying for OEC for the first time)
- Passport (valid for at least six months) from departure date
- Verified Employment Contract
- Valid Work Visa, Work Permit, or any equivalent document
- Confirmed Airline Ticket
- Receipt of OWWA membership fee
- P100 OEC fees (P200 for those who are hired through a recruitment agency)
What Should I do Before Applying for an OEC?
You must prepare yourself before going directly to the POEA, POLO, OWWA, or DMW Office; otherwise you will only waste your time. Here’s what you should consider:
1. Philippine labor laws and regulations prohibit foreign employers from directly recruiting Filipino workers, so you should determine if you qualify for an exemption from the restriction on direct employment.
The employer must hire you through a POEA-accredited recruitment agency. However, some firms are exempt from the restriction on the direct hiring of OFWs. These include:
- Employers of Professional and Skilled Workers with Verified or Authenticated Employment Contracts that Comply with POEA Standards
- Foreign Diplomats
- Heads of State and High-ranking Government Officials
- International Organizations
- Lower-ranking officials from the first three items who are approved by the POLO
- Residents of the host nation who are permanent residents and who hire their family members, excluding domestic workers
2. Prepare all the required documents. As soon as you have confirmed that your employer is exempt from the direct hiring restriction, get everything ready right away.
How to Set an Appointment for POEA Online Processing System for Balik-Manggagawa (POPS-BAM)
Step 1: Visit the POEA Online Services / DMW Online Services Website – Link: https://onlineservices.dmw.gov.ph//onlineservices/poeaonline.aspx
Step 2: Click the “Let’s go” button on e-Registration
Step 3: Click on “Register” for new users (just log in if you already have an account ) and click the “I accept the terms of use” button.
Step 4: Fill in the required information and then click register (a message will display indicating that your registration was “Successful”)
Step 5: Log in to the email address you provided when you registered (there is a message containing your “temporary password”)
Step 6: Return to the link provided in Step 1 and login using the registered email address, then click “next.”
Step 7: Use the temporary password sent to your email, then click “log in.”
Step 8: Set your preferred password.
Step 9: Update your profile by clicking “My Profile,” after completing your profile, click “Update Profile” on the upper right side of the page
Step 10: Input your identification data (passport) and beneficiary on your profile
Step 11: Click the “Balik-Manggagawa” on your dashboard then click the “Next” button
Step 12: Enter your return flight date then click the “Next” button
Step 13: You will be asked about whether you are returning to the same employer, jobsite, and position if you are a returning BM.
If so, you can print your OEC exemption immediately.
If not, go to step 9 instead (change employer or new BM)
Step 14: Input all your contract details then click the “Submit” button
Step 15: Select the nearest processing site the click the “Next” button
Step 16: Choose and select your preferred appointment date
Step 17: Take a screenshot and print your scheduled appointment date
How to Set an Appointment for Balik Manggagawa Online Processing System (BM Online)
Step 1: Visit the Balik-Manggagawa Online Processing System Website – Link: https://www.bmonline.ph/
Step 2: Log in as an already registered user.
Step 3: Fill in the OEC number that was most recently issued to you.
Step 4: Create an online appointment if no records were found.
Update your personal details, contract details, and beneficiaries as needed if a record is found.
Step 5: Click Acquire OEC to start the online assessment.
Step 6: If returning to the same employer and jobsite, enter the flight date and confirm.
Step 7: Select the nearest processing site the click the “Next” button.
Step 8: Choose and select your preferred appointment date.
Step 9: Take a screenshot and print your scheduled appointment date
Great news! it was stated recently that you may skip acquiring an OEC if you were a returning OFW. All you need to do is submit an OEC exemption application, which you can do online from your home.
How to get an OEC Exemption through BM Online?
OFWs without an active BM online account will no longer be able to register using the outdated BM online system after June 30, 2021. Instead, you’ll be redirected to the new POPS-BAM system. Acquiring an OEC or OEC Exemption under the new system follows the same procedure.
Exempted Balik-Manggagawas are still required to get an exemption number from BM Online in order to minimize inconvenience at the airport during departure. This helps the POEA to confirm whether or not the OFW is actually excluded from acquiring an OEC.
Following are the steps to acquire an OEC Exemption if you are eligible for OEC exemption.
Step 1: Visit the BM Online System Website – Link: https://www.bmonline.ph/
Step 2: Log in to the BM Online System
Step 3: After logging in, enter the most recent OEC number you acquired.
You must schedule an online appointment for standard OEC processing if the system cannot locate a record in the POEA database (indicating that you are not exempt).
If your record is found, you’ll be directed to the My Profile page.
Step 4: Update your beneficiaries, employment contract information, and personal information.
Step 5: Enter your travel date and confirm that you are returning to the same employer and job site by clicking the Acquire OEC or Exemption option.
You’ll see a message with your BM Exemption Number confirming your OEC exemption. Your exemption number will be sent to the Bureau of Immigration as proof that you are exempt from acquiring an OEC.
Step 6: Take a screenshot and print your OEC exemption.
Step 7: Simply proceed directly to the airline counter at the airport on the day of your departure to check in.
How to Process OEC in DMW Office in the Philippines?
Check out the procedure below on how to process OEC in DMW Office in the Philippines.
Step 1: Print your confirmed appointment from POEA Online Service BM Online Website
Step 2: Gather all of the necessary requirements.
Step 3: Go to DMW office on your scheduled appointment day. Show your approved appointment letter, valid ID, and full dose vaccination card / certificate to the assigned security personnel.
Step 4: The assigned security personnel will check your name to the list of approved appointments for the day. To avoid long lines, bring the complete set of requirements.
Step 5: Get a token number from the assigned personnel.
Step 6: Go to the processing window and submit your documents.
Step 7: Pay P100.00 for OEC fees.
Step 8: Wait for the OEC processor’s advice before printing your OEC in POPS-BAM or BM Online.
Make sure that all the information and details in your OEC are correct and in line with your credentials.
How to Process OEC in POLO-OWWA and DMW Office in the Philippines?
Check out the procedure below on how to process OEC in POLO-OWWA and DMW Office in the Philippines.
Step 1: Print your confirmed appointment from DMW Online Service or BM Online Website
Step 2: Gather all of the necessary requirements.
Step 3: Go to your chosen POLO-OWWA and POEA office on your scheduled appointment day. Show your approved appointment letter, valid ID, and full dose vaccination card / certificate to the assigned security personnel.
Step 4: The assigned security personnel will check your name to the list of approved appointments for the day. To avoid long lines, bring the complete set of requirements.
Step 5: Get a token number from the assigned personnel.
Step 6: Go to the processing window and submit your documents.
Step 7: Pay P100.00 for OEC fees.
Step 8: Wait for the OEC processor’s advice before printing your OEC in POPS-BAM or BM Online.
Make sure that all the information and details in your OEC are correct and in line with your credentials.
How to Process OEC in POLO-OWWA Office Overseas?
Prior to visiting any POLO-OWWA branch office, an OEC appointment is required.
Follow these instructions to quickly obtain your OEC. Keep in mind that having an online appointment simplifies things because government workers can immediately verify your information.
Step 1: Print your confirmed appointment from POEA Online Service BM Online Website
(Make sure the location of POLO-OWWA office is the host country where you are working).
Step 2: Gather all of the necessary requirements.
Step 3: Go to your chosen POLO-OWWA office on your scheduled appointment day. Show your approved appointment letter, valid ID, and full dose vaccination card / certificate to the assigned security personnel.
Step 4: The assigned security personnel will check your name to the list of approved appointments for the day. To avoid long lines, bring the complete set of requirements.
Step 5: Get a token number from the assigned personnel.
Step 6: Go to the processing window and submit your documents.
Step 7: Pay for OEC fees.
Step 8: Wait for the OEC processor’s advice before printing your OEC in POPS-BAM or BM Online.
Make sure that all the information and details in your OEC are correct and in line with your credentials.
Procedural Guidance
- It is easier and more convenient to pay for your OEC online using services like GCash or online banking than paying over-the-counter.
- You are only permitted to acquire an OEC once every time you visit the Philippines, whether it be through BM Online, POPS-BaM, or the POEA. Getting more than one OEC simultaneously is not allowed.
- To activate your BM Online account, you must verify your email address. By doing this, you can show the POEA that you actually own the email account.
- Just remember to bring three copies of your OEC to the airport on the day you depart.
- Walk-in OEC applications are still processed by POEA offices across the country. However, before going to a POEA branch, you still need to create a BM Online account and make an appointment online.
- To print OEC, sign into your POPS-BAM account and select “Print OEC” from the “My Transaction Tab” menu.
- Please keep in mind that the OEC can only be used for sixty (60) days beginning on the day it was issued.
- If a worker leaves the Philippines without an OEC, they might not be able to finish their check-in or they might be stopped by an immigration official before they leave. Prior to departing, you must make sure that you have this document with you at all times.
- If your OEC expires while you are away from your home, you can apply for a new one through the place where you will be working so that you can come back to the Philippines. Any OEC can only be used to leave the Philippines once.
- Balik-Manggagawa OFWs must also present a copy of the contract they have with their company, along with their plane ticket and any other necessary travel documents.
- Once the OFW has all the proper documents, they can head to the airport and show the OEC to the immigration official there. OFWs who have an OEC can travel without issue and know that they are complying with all legal obligations related to their employment.
To know more about Cherrycee about getting OEC using the new system for OFW Balik-Manggagawa, see the YouTube video below.
Cherrycee explains what OEC is and how to acquire OEC through the new system.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any further questions regarding “Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC)”, see the list of frequently asked questions and answers below.
1. What is Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC)?
Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) is a clearance issued to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), known as Balik-Manggagawa (BM) who exit from the Philippines for employment purpose. The POEA grants exemption to certain divisions of Balik-Maggagawa workers and exemption of paying any fees processed by the POEA.
2. Who benefits from Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC)?
The OFWs or migrant workers will benefit from the Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC).
3. What is the main objective of the Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC)?
The Overseas Employment Certificate’s (OEC) primary objective is to provide as proof of the worker’s POEA registration. The OEC also acts as a record of departing OFWs, confirming their status as authorized international workers and enabling them to avoid paying the terminal fee and travel tax at the airport. It also makes it less expensive for them to find employment. The certificate also gives OFWs a better chance of getting loans in their native country.
4. What is OEC exemption?
OFWs who qualify for OEC exemption are exempt from acquiring an OEC and paying the POEA processing fee. The processing of your OFW documents at the airport before your departure would be quicker if you are granted this exemption.
5. Who can get OEC exemption?
The following requirements must all be met in order for a balik-manggagawas to be exempt from acquiring an OEC:
- Has a valid work visa or work permit
- Returning to the same employer and workplace
- Has a record in the POEA database
(Has previously received an OEC at any POEA offices or facilities, including the POEA main office, extension units, regional offices, POLO offices abroad, and BM mall processing centers)
If an OFW fits less than one of the following requirements, they are also eligible to receive OEC exemption if hired through the Government Placement Branch.
If any of the following requirements are not met, you are not eligible for OEC exemption and must schedule an online appointment for standard OEC processing.
6. Are OFWs allowed to travel without an OEC?
No. All OFWs leaving the Philippines, whether they are returning employees or new workers, must acquire an OEC.
The OEC serves as an exit clearance; therefore if you try to leave the country without it, Immigration will stop you. Additionally, you are excused from paying the terminal fee and travel tax thanks to this certificate.
7. How long is an OEC or OEC Exemption Number valid?
From the date of issuance, the OEC or OEC Exemption Number is valid for 60 days. You are required by POEA to obtain this as a balik-manggagawa before returning to your employer.
8. Is my OEC valid for many uses?
OEC or OEC Exemption Number is only intended for one use. Once you have given it to Immigration, it cannot be used again.
9. Can I change the email address I used to registered for my account?
The email address you entered when creating a BM Online or POPS-BAM account can no longer be changed. Your permanent user ID for accessing your account is your registered email address.
10. Do I have to register for POPS-BaM every time I take a vacation?
If you want the system to know if you qualified for an OEC Exemption, you must change your profile in your account. Every time a worker returns from overseas, he or she must register or log in before departing.
11. What would happen if I was already in front of the BI (Bureau of Immigration) Officer for departure and I forgot to log in?
You will be directed to a Labor Assistance Center (LAC) officer by the assigned BI officer. To facilitate departure, the LAC officer will request some of your credentials and information about your employment. The LAC officer will then direct you to see the BI Officer for the last-minute departure procedures. However, the worker needs to be reminded to log in before his next vacation.
12. How do I update the information on my BM Online/POPS-BAM account?
Simply sign into your BM Online/POPS-BAM account and select the “Edit” option on the “My Profile” page to update your information. You may edit certain fields in the Personal Data, Contract Particulars, and Legal Beneficiaries forms.
13. How can I complete the sign-up procedure and verify my email address?
Check the link in the email sent to you when you signed up to confirm your email address. The system must verify that you are the owner of the email address you used to register for the account. By doing so, the system can be certain that we are connecting the right individual with your account information.
14. If I don’t confirm my email address, can I still access my BM Online and POPS-BAM account?
No. You’ll receive a notification that your account is inactive. By clicking the confirmation link in your email, you can activate your account.
15. Why does the system want my most recent OEC number? What does it mean?
The most recent transaction record you have with POEA is your most recent OEC number. This information is required by the system in order to get your record and most recent employment information.
16. What happens if I forget my OEC number?
You will be redirected by the system to the APPOINTMENT page, where you must manually visit POEA to process your OEC.
17. What should I do if I lose my OEC?
Log in to your BM Online or POPS-BAM account and reprint your OEC.
18. Where can I settle my OEC fee?
- You can pay your fees in a number of ways, including:
- Globe G-cash
- Over-the-counter thru Banks
- Over-the-counter thru Bayad Centers
- Online Banking
- POEA, POLO-OWWA, or DMW office/processing site
Instructions on how to complete the payment process will be sent to you through email. Carefully follow to the instructions. Your OEC will be forwarded through your email and POPS-BAM or BM Online account once payment has been confirmed.
OFWs must get an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) from the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) if they plan to continue their employment overseas.
The OEC process was hassle-free thanks to the online processing system. You can already acquire an OEC and benefit from the perks associated with doing so by following a few simple steps. Additionally, you can take great joy in your vacation while traveling freely for work.
You can get your OEC as quickly as possible if you meet the given requirements and follow the instructions in this article.